Of course babies can do yoga!
Probably not a Downward facing dog or Headstand posture but yoga is not just simply about the postures. Mother and Baby yoga classes are so much more than doing the classic postures, which we all associate with yoga. In fact if you look at the ancient scripts on yoga it was designed to be more about emotional wellbeing than a physical exercise. It is really only us in the Western world who have made yoga about how we look rather than how we feel.
Being a new mother is a really challenging time, adapting to huge changes in your body, your emotions and your whole identity. Early parenthood can be both disorientating and isolating when you can potentially feel very disconnected from your changed body, emotions and new role. Mother and Baby Yoga classes help to reconnect with and heal your postnatal body and mind, whilst having fun and bonding with your baby. No previous yoga experience is required.
What happens if my baby cries during the class?
First thing to remember is that your lovely baby has not chosen to come along to this class! You have decided this will be good for you both. However they may not always agree with your decision, so I will provide an environment and experience which will change their opinion, as it will be both fun and interactive for them! Babies are generally easy to keep entertained with various sounds (hand clapping, finger clicking and familiar songs), gentle touch and the use of colourful scarves and textured balls (both provided). They love to move about in your arms and sit supported on your tummy.
Your baby may need a nappy change or a feed during the class which is perfectly fine and you will still be able to join in with the class. They may even be a little unsettled at first before they get used to the class and other mums and babies. All this is absolutely normal for Mother and Baby Yoga classes, so this is nothing to worry about. Everyone else completely understands if your baby has an explosive poo, screams for a feed or has a colicky episode! It can be quite a noisy class at times but they usually settle down and the experience helps you to learn to remain calm and relaxed, even when your or other babies are unsettled.

What happens during the class?
- Checking in with everyone briefly: what sort of a week have you had with your baby?
- Simple breath work whilst holding your baby.
- Gentle mindful stretches of your neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs.
- Movements on all fours for your back, pelvis and core muscles.
- Singing and massage strokes with baby.
- Adapted standing postures with baby.
- Supine movements (ie lying on your back with baby supported on your tummy)
- Short relaxation with gentle soothing music
- If you want to chat more with the other mums then after the class you can go along to The Coffee Bank (café close by) and get 10% off your first drink.
Why do Mother and Baby Yoga?
- It’s a great bonding experience for you and your baby
- Helps you to reconnect with your changed postnatal body
- Promotes healing of the perineum and toning of the pelvic floor muscles
- Eases any aches and pains (back, neck or shoulders)
- Calming and relaxing so great for your emotional wellbeing
- It helps to ease you back into any previous yoga practice, as much gentler and more appropriate for your postnatal body and mind.
- Teaches you to cope with a crying baby as you learn to recognise and manage your stress response.
- Aids your baby’s digestion as the movements and massage help with gut movement and possible colicky symptoms
- Improves your baby’s sleep as helps to stimulate them and provide you with ways to soothe them if unsettled.
- Improve your overall physical and emotional wellbeing through connecting with other local mother, so reducing your possible sense of isolation.
Why not give it a go?
Book a place here at the weekly class at JW Dance studio at OSM on Mondays 10-11am.
Only £5 for the first class!